Prevent Fuzzy Teeth

How to Prevent Fuzzy Teeth

"Fuzzy Teeth" refers to buildup on teeth composed of food particles, plaque, and dead skin cells. If this film is not removed regularly, it can cause halitosis and gingivitis and lead to erosion of tooth enamel, cavities, and even tooth loss due to periodontitis.

Brush your teeth. Dentists recommend brushing twice daily for a total of two minutes each time. It's recommended that you imagine your mouth is divided into four quadrants — two upper, two lower — each of which is brushed for 30 seconds each. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and use the proper movements — up and down, not side to side, like you see in the movies. Use short strokes and hold your brush at a 45 degree angle. Brushing incorrectly can damage your enamel. Most electric toothbrushes are now pre-programmed with a timer to help you keep track of how long you've brushed each section and when to move to the next one.

Remember to floss. Regular brushing can remove build up on the surface of your teeth, but what about the gaps between teeth? That's why flossing is important, preventing residual plaque from hardening into tartar or calculus. In order to floss effective, follow these steps: Use enough floss. The American Dental association recommends 18 inches. Wrap most of the length around the pointer or middle finger of one hand. Wrap of the rest around the index or middle finger of your other hand.

Use mouthwash. After brushing and flossing, what your mouth needs is a good rinse to wash away the residue of what you just cleaned off your teeth. Mouthwash is formulated to kill and reduce the number of bacteria that cause plaque and can help prevent gingivitis.

Go to the dentist. Dentists recommend making a cleaning appointment every six months. This cleans up any plaque that was missed from your daily regimen. It also gives the dentist a chance to check your overall oral health and address any cavities or other problems.

Get sealants. Sealants are a treatment that fills the crevices in molars with a composite compound, which has almost the same physical properties to your natural tooth structure. This means that even if your teeth do get fuzzy from time to time, it will cause less damage. Consult your dentist to see if you are a candidate for sealants. 

Avoid refined sugar. The bacteria that live in your mouth use sugar as a form of energy. When you eat sugary foods, their population explodes, more acid is generated in your mouth, and the rate of tooth decay increases dramatically. The protective compounds you in saliva are overwhelmed by the fast growth in the acidic environment.

Reduce starches. Starches like those found in breads, grains, and potatoes are a type of sugar and promote the same effect as refined sugars. Starches are also more prone to collect in the areas between your teeth.

Moderate consumption of oxalic acid. While oxalic acid doesn't actually harm teeth, eating food like spinach, beets, and parsley that contain high levels of oxalic acid will result in a fuzzy or chalky feeling on teeth.

Balance your diet. Eat a variety of nutritious foods, including fruits and vegetables. Many vegetables — like celery, beans, and cabbage — actually have a neutralizing effect on the acids produced by the bacteria in plaque. This reduces the amount of fuzzy build up on your teeth. Hard vegetables like carrots have a cleaning effect due to their fibrous texture and also increase antibacterial protection by stimulating the blood flow in the gums.

Avoid dry mouth. Your mouth naturally produces saliva to rinse your teeth free of bacteria-created acids. When you have dry mouth, it is because saliva production has been reduced. This increases the frequency of fuzzy teeth and promotes tooth decay. Make sure you are drinking enough water every day  to avoid dry mouth. Factors that contribute to dry mouth are:
Medication: Many medications list "dry mouth" as a side-effect.
Smoking: Smoking dries out the mouth and requires increase saliva production to counteract the effects.
Drinking alcohol: The dehydrating effect of alcohol reduces saliva production.

Remove plaque. Plaque is the medical term for the combination of elements that coats our teeth between cleanings. It causes the irregular or fuzzy feeling on teeth and the reason that we brush, floss and rinse is to banish it from our mouths.

Know that there is no way to completely prevent fuzzy teeth. Mucopolysaccharides are a naturally occurring long-chain sugars that the body uses to make joint movements smooth and fluids more viscous. They are present in saliva to coat food, lubricating it for swallowing and digestion. Without them, digestion would take longer and we would be more prone to choking on food. Unfortunately, they are also why plaque adheres to your teeth, creating that fuzzy feeling.

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