How to Care for Sensitive Teeth
Having sensitive teeth can be a pain, literally. Sensitive teeth can develop from a number of other dental problems, including exposed gums, gum disease, and tooth decay. You can make a few changes to help with sensitive teeth, as well as talk to your dentist about solutions that may help. You should also just keep your teeth healthier overall, as that will help prevent sensitivity.
Skip acidic foods. While you probably don't want to cut them out completely, limiting acidic foods can help prevent teeth problems, which in turn can protect your teeth against sensitivity. Consider limiting foods like sodas and soft drinks in general, citrusy foods and drinks, yogurt, and wine. Using a straw can help when drinking acidic drinks. When you do indulge, try drinking some water or milk afterwards to cut down on the acidity in your mouth. Or, chew a piece of gum with xylitol in it to help recreate the basic pH. However, never brush immediately after drinking something acidic or you may wear down the enamel on your teeth.
Wear a mouth guard. Some people with sensitive teeth grind their teeth at night. You may not even realize you're doing it. Wearing a mouth guard at night helps protect your teeth. Your dentist can provide you with a custom fit one, though those are more expensive. You can also buy the boil-and-bite kind at drug stores.
Bleach your teeth only under your dentist's supervision. If you want to bleach your teeth, make sure you are doing it under your dentist's supervision, as bleaching can lead to more sensitivity. Your dentist can help you choose the best option for bleaching. The best way to do this is by using a low hydrogen peroxide gel in three or four appointments over the course of a year, rather than having it all done in one session with a stronger substance.
Pick a toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Using a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth can sometimes help decrease pain. Look for one on the toothpaste aisle. It should say "for sensitive teeth" on the package. If you're not sure which one to choose, ask for a recommendation from your dentist. Keep using sensitive toothpaste, as it takes more than one use to make a difference. Choose a toothpaste that has fluoride in it, as that will strengthen your teeth. Also, make sure that the toothpaste you choose has the American Dental Association's seal of approval, which will be on the packaging.
Brush regularly. It's important to keep your teeth healthy once you get treatment for your sensitive teeth. Make sure you are brushing twice a day. Also, be sure to use a soft-bristled brush, as that's better on your gums, and don't brush too hard. You only need to use soft, gentle strokes. Make sure to change out your toothbrush every three months or so, as that helps keep your teeth healthy and also change the toothpaste if you find it too abrasive.
Floss once a day. You may not see how flossing can help sensitive teeth. However, flossing prevents tooth decay. Tooth decay can cause sensitive teeth or make it worse if your teeth are already sensitive. Therefore, flossing regularly can prevent you from gaining sensitivity.
Ask about fluoride as a solution. One way to help sensitive teeth is to apply fluoride as a gel or varnish. Your dentist can apply it just to the areas that are sensitive. This process will help make your teeth stronger in those areas, which cuts down on your pain overall. Taking fluoride may also be an option if you're not getting enough from your water supply.
Cover exposed roots using bonding. One reason your teeth may be sensitive is because you have roots exposed. If that's a problem for you, bonding may be a solution. The dentist will cover the exposed root with a resin, so it's not exposed. In turn, that can lower your pain. If the retraction is small, you can instead opt for a gum reposition where the gum is sutured on a lower level.
Ask about crowns or fillings. Other options to help with sensitive teeth include crowns and fillings. These solutions work best when your sensitivity is not due to exposed roots, but rather, problems with your teeth. Your dentist will know which option is best for you.
Talk about a gum graft. For extreme cases, you may be able to get a gum graft. This solution also works to cover up exposed roots. Your dentist will take part of your gum from your palate and use it to cover your exposed roots, thus reducing your pain. There are also other techniques which do not use your own tissue, and involve membranes or growth factors. Ask your dentist about all of your options.
Think about a root canal. A root canal is generally the last option. It also helps with exposed roots in your mouth, as well as with the soft part of your tooth, which is what causes them to be sensitive. A root canal may sound scary, but it can help reduce your pain overall.
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