How to Treat Cavities

How to Treat Cavities

Cavities -- also known as caries -- are small openings or holes in the teeth caused by tooth decay. They form as a result of built-up plaque and bacteria on the surface of the teeth, poor dental hygiene, and a lack of essential minerals in the diet. In most circumstances, cavities are irreversible and will need to be treated by a dentist using fluoride treatments, fillings or extractions. However, new evidence is emerging which suggests that it may be possible to treat cavities at home, using a combination of diet and tooth remineralization. This article will walk you through both options, while also providing some guidelines on how to prevent cavities in the first place.

Understand the signs and symptoms of cavities. It is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of cavities as soon as they appear. This way, you can get a head start on treating them and prevent them from becoming larger and more painful over time. If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, you may have a cavity: Experiencing tooth sensitivity or a toothache. You might also feel mild-to-sharp pain when eating cold, sweet or hot foods. You may feel pain when you bite down. You may notice dark colored pits or holes on your teethTeeth may break or chip and expose a dark inner surfaceBad breath or taste in your mouth, especially after meals. Some cavities will be invisible to the naked eye and may not cause any pain. These types of cavities can only be identified through x-rays, ultrasound or fluorescent lighting - which is why it is important to see your dentist regularly.

Visit a dentist. It is recommended that you visit your dentist approximately twice a year to get check-ups on your oral health. However, if you suspect you might have a cavity don't wait around for your bi-annual appointment, make a date with your dentist immediately. During your appointment: Explain your symptoms and any signs of tooth decay you've noticed. This will help the dentist to locate the cavityUndergo an examination. The dentist will then conduct an examination to confirm that you have a cavity. He/she will often use a sharp metal object to feel for soft spots on the surface of the teeth which indicate the presence of cavities. X-rays will also be required to confirm the depth of the cavity and to decide if a root canal is needed.

Get a fluoride treatment. Fluoride treatments are used in the early stages of cavities, as fluoride can help teeth to restore themselves by remineralizing the tooth surface. The treatment consists of a gel varnish, liquid solution or foam fluoride which is used to coat the teeth and strengthen the tooth's enamelWhen you undergo fluoride treatment, the dentist applies the fluoride in one of two ways: he/she will either apply the fluoride directly onto your teeth or places it into a tray that fits over your teeth. The treatment takes approximately three minutes to complete. Be very careful not to swallow any of the fluoride during the treatment.

Get a filling. Fillings, which are also known as restoration treatments, are used when the tooth decay develops further into the enamel and becomes permanent. The dentist removes the cavities using a drill, or the dentist may use a laser instead of a drill. Then the dentist fills the holes using tooth-colored resin material, porcelain or silver amalgam material. Silver amalgam material may contain quantities of mercury, which some people object to based on fears over possible health risks. If this is a concern for you, consult with your dentist about the material he plans to use in your fillings. Depending on the extent of the decay, fillings may take up to two appointments to complete.

Get a crown. Custom-fitted tooth coverings called crowns are another way to treat cavities. They are only necessary when the tooth decay has become particularly extensive. The crowns are made of tooth-like material attached to metal and dentists can also opt for provisional or permanent crowns, depending on the material used. A provisionary crown is made in the same appointment and it cannot be used for more than three months. Crowns are important for aesthetic reasons, gum line, and functionality. With crowns, your dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth using a drill and takes a mold of your teeth. The final model is then used to recreate the exact shape and bite of your natural tooth using a tooth-like substance such as porcelain, zirconium or even gold to make a personalized crown to replace your decayed tooth. Once the crowns are ready, the dentist uses cement to apply them to your teeth. Crowns also take more than one appointment.

Undergo a root canal. A root canal may be the only option when cavities have penetrated deep into the tooth's pulp, and the inside of the tooth is decayed, infected or dead. During a root canal, the dentist will make an incision near the top of the tooth, then remove the decaying pulp from the chambers and canals inside the tooth. The tooth will then be refilled with a rubber-like material and sealing paste. Sometimes a tooth that has undergone a root canal will also need to be covered with a crown to prevent the tooth from re-fracturing. This may be done at the same time as the root canal, or several months later. If the tooth has a small amount of substance left, your dentist will choose a metal or fiber post to create the core build up that supports the crown.

Consider having the tooth extracted. If the tooth cannot be saved, have it extracted. The only option for cavities that have affected the entire tooth is an extraction. Your teeth are extracted if they are badly damaged and cannot be saved using any of the other methods. Once a tooth is extracted it can leave a gap. While this is undesirable for aesthetic reasons, it may also cause other teeth to move around inside the mouth, which can cause a whole new set of problems. Therefore, you should consider getting a bridge or dental implant to fill the gap and replace your missing tooth.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, as it prevents cavity-causing bacteria from building up on the surface of your teeth. Toothpaste that contains fluoride may strengthen your teeth. Small children may overdose if they eat fluoride toothpaste, so give them a pea-sized amount only and keep the tube out of reach. It's also a good idea to brush your teeth within 30 minutes after eating very sugary or acidic foods, or drinking soda - as these items can precipitate tooth decay.

Remember to floss. Flossing needs to be done at least once a day, ideally before you brush your teeth at night. Flossing removes bacteria and trapped food particles from between your teeth that your toothbrush is unable to reach. Make sure to floss between each and every tooth - especially the hard to reach ones in the back - and floss gently to prevent your gums from becoming tender and swollen.

Use a mouthwash. Regularly using a mouthwash can help to kill bacteria, remove plaque, prevent gum disease and protect against bad breath. Use a mouthwash that contains fluoride to help remineralize the teeth and prevent bacteria from forming acid. You can also swish with calcium and magnesium powders dissolved in water. This will help the cavity-ridden teeth in two ways: firstly, it will add minerals back into the teeth and secondly, it will help to neutralize cavity-causing acid by keeping the mouth alkaline.

Have regular check ups. Visiting your dentist just twice a year can help you to get ahead of your cavities. Seeing your dentist regularly will help you to catch cavities early. It could mean the difference between getting a simple fluoride treatment or needing a painful and expensive root canal. A dentist or dental hygienist can also give your teeth a thorough and effective cleaning, which removes plaque and helps prevent the development of cavities.

Get sealants on your teeth. If you don't already have them, sealants are a good way to protect your teeth against cavitiesA sealant is a thin, plastic coating placed on top of the back teeth to prevent bacteria and plaque from collecting in the groves of the molar teeth and causing a cavity. Sealants are usually given to children as soon as their molars come in, but these sealants will only last for about ten years, so ask your dentist about having them replaced. It is important to have them checked to see if there is any chipping or discoloration that may be a sign of a new cavity.

Chew sugarless gum. Some sugarless gums can actually help you to avoid cavities, as chewing them increases saliva production, helping to get rid of food particles trapped between the teeth.

Get enough calcium and vitamin D. Your body needs calcium to build bones and teeth, and vitamin D in order to absorb that calcium. Eat a varied diet that includes foods rich in these nutrients, such as dairy products and leafy vegetables. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is another option.

Use products that contain CPP-ACP. This chemical has the intimidating full name "casein phosphopeptide – amorphous calcium phosphate," but all its components are found in common foods. There is good evidence that toothpaste, mouthwash, and sugar-free gum that contains CPP-ACP is extra effective at restoring slightly damaged tooth enamel. This is called "remineralization." CPP-ACP is most effective when you also use fluoride toothpaste, which is a good option if you have sensitive teethRemineralization only works if you catch the problem early. You cannot heal back advanced tooth decay with home treatments.

Treat dry mouth. Saliva helps prevent tooth decay. If you have a dry mouth, it may help to suck on sugarless candy, chew sugarless gum, and drink plenty of water. If your dry mouth is severe, ask your doctor for adviceSmoking, aging, various medications, and dehydration are common causes of dry mouth. If none of these seem likely, visit a doctor for a checkup.

Deal with any pain. If you are experiencing a lot of pain as a result of a cavity, don't suffer in silence. You should schedule an appointment with the dentist immediately, but while you're waiting you can reduce the pain by trying some home remedies. Dab some clove oil on the cavity-filled tooth and the surrounding gums. This can help to numb the pain and provide some reliefTake a teaspoon of pure vanilla essence and swish it around your mouth for a minute or two to relieve pain. Apply ice to the tooth. If the pain is not sensitive to cold, you can place an ice cube wrapped in a gauze next to your tooth for 5 minutes to help numb the pain. Make a compress using vodka, gin or whiskey. Alcohol can help to temporarily numb any pain you are experiencing. Try dipping a washcloth into the alcohol and holding it against the offending tooth. It might sting at first, but this will quickly subside.

Gargle with salt in water. Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in glass of slightly warm water, take a mouthful and swish it around your mouth for a minute or two, concentrating on the area with the cavity-filled tooth. Replace the sea salt with garlic salt for another effective remedy.

Swish vegetable oil in your mouth. Swish some vegetable oil around your mouth, then spit it out once it becomes foamy. This is meant to pull infection from the tooth and relieve pain.

Take ibuprofen. One surefire way of temporarily relieving tooth pain is to take ibuprofen. This will reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Make sure to use ibuprofen according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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