
Showing posts from March, 2018

Prevent Tooth Enamel Erosion

How to Prevent Tooth Enamel Erosion Preventing your tooth enamel from eroding is an important part of taking care of your oral health. Tooth enamel doesn't regenerate, so it's important to protect what you have. In order to prevent your tooth enamel from eroding, you need to take care of your teeth at home and get regular dental care from a dentist. With a combination of preventative care methods, your tooth enamel will remain strong and intact . Brush your teeth twice a day. In order to keep your teeth healthy , it is important to brush your teeth regularly. Brushing your teeth removes a wide variety of substances that are bad for your teeth, including sugary and acidic foods that can eat away at your tooth enamel.  Wait to brush your teeth until at least 30 minutes after meals. Acidic foods that you eat can weaken tooth enamel , which can lead to damaging the enamel when brushing. Floss daily. Flossing your teeth is an effective way of removing foo...

How to Pull Out a Tooth

How to Pull Out a Tooth Pulling teeth, called tooth extraction by dental professionals, is not something that can be done without dental training. In most cases, it's advisable to leave the tooth alone until it falls out itself, or schedule an appointment with a dentist. In almost all cases, a dentist with a properly-trained team and special dental equipment will be better suited to remove a problem tooth than the individual at home. Let nature take its course.  Most doctors and dentists recommend that parents not try to do anything to speed up the natural process. Teeth that are extracted too early provide less of a guide to the teeth that grow in their place, and pulling to early can also have a negative impact on the correct order of eruption, which may also influence bite and mastication. Any child will tell you that this, too, is an unnecessarily painful option. Monitor the tooth as it gets looser.  Make sure that the tooth and the surrounding...

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Most people between the ages of 17 and 24 begin to grow wisdom teeth. However, in some people, the wisdom teeth don't push through the gums, which could cause pain, swelling or gum ulcers. Impacted wisdom teeth can also push on nearby teeth or damage your jawbone. Set your appointment with your dentist or oral surgeon   ---  Make sure you make your appointment on a day that allows you to recuperate after the surgery. For instance, make your appointment on a Thursday or Friday so that you can recover over the weekend.  Go to the grocery store the night before   --- Buy soft, easy-to-eat foods like applesauce, chicken soup, yogurt, canned fruit, gelatin, pudding or cottage cheese. You'll need to skip foods that require chewing or foods that are served either extremely hot or extremely cold for a while after your surgery. Stock up on movies, games and books   ---  You may be in...

Treat Gum Disease With Homemade Remedies

Treat Gum Disease With Homemade Remedies      Treating gum disease with homemade remedies is possible, and can help to cure various gum problems , such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, and several other problems that need to be taken seriously. If left untreated, gum disease can cause serious dental and system-wide health problems. There are things you can try on your own to treat gum disease, but if symptoms escalate and you experience persistent bleeding gums or loose teeth, visit your dentist immediately . Reduce stress.   According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there's a link between stress and your dental health . People under stress have a compromised immune system that makes it harder for them to fight off the bacteria that causes periodontal disease and makes them more prone to gum infection , but also general problems such as diabetes or heart disease. Make a sea salt solution.   Dissolve a small amount of s...