Treat Weak Tooth Enamel

  Treat Weak Tooth Enamel

Enamel is the outer layer of your teeth that protects it from outside substances. Enamel can wear down due to acidic drinks, excessive brushing with hard bristles, smoking, high sugar consumption, and the loss of saliva production. If your enamel has weakened, you should visit your dentist to find out the causes and reasons as well as various treatment options. Adjusting your diet to remove problematic foods can also have an effect. It is very difficult to regenerate enamel, and it might not be possible to restore it completely. That said, you can adopt basic dental practices to reduce further decay.

Identify your symptoms. The loss of enamel can be a symptom or cause of many different mouth diseases. It might be related to gum disease, enamel hypoplasia, fluorosis, cavities, or cracked teeth. Before you visit your dentist, you should make a list of all of your mouth related problems so that they can more accurately diagnose your problem. You might note:  Sensitivity to hot or cold foods.  Bleeding gums after brushing.
·         Tooth pain, which can spread to the surrounding area of the tooth and affect other teeth. Teeth becoming more jagged or uneven in appearance.

Visit your dentist. Your dentist will be able to tell you how eroded the enamel is, and they will be able to suggest the best course of treatment for you. They can also provide you with recommendations for toothpaste and mouthwash.  Professional cleanings at the dentist twice a year can help prevent further enamel decay.

Start using toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
 Many people have increased sensitivity in their teeth due to weakening enamel. Desensitizing toothpaste uses a chemical that blocks sensation from reaching your teeth by creating micronic stops over dentinal tubules, thus allowing you to eat without pain or discomfort. Many brands offer desensitizing toothpaste. These will typically be marked on the box as “for sensitive teeth.” 
Some toothpastes are marked as being able to strengthen tooth enamel. These brands can increase your teeth’s resistance to acid, which may help reduce further decay.

Find fluoride products.
 You can use fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes to prevent cavities. Fluoride products are marked either on the box or in the list of ingredientson the toothpaste or mouthwash. 
One treatment that your dentist may recommend is an application of fluoride gel. Your dentist will apply this during the visit.

Consider dental procedures. You should be aware of what kinds of treatments are necessary for more advanced enamel decay. Your dentist will usually let you know if these are necessary.
·         Crowns or fillings: if you have chipped a tooth or if your teeth have lost their normal shape due to enamel decay, your dentist may recommend a crown, veneers, an inlay, or a filling. These can protect your teeth by forming an artificial shield around them.
·         Root canal: this removes infected pulp from the root or nerve of the tooth. This will heal any infection which can affect the tip of the root and the surrounding bone caused by weakened enamel.
·         Tooth removal: if enamel has weakened significantly, you may need to have your tooth removed. This will prevent further infection in your mouth.

Stay away from acidic foods and drinks.
 Acid can soften and wear away enamel on your teeth. If you drink or eat certain foods often, this can permanently weaken your enamel. Stay away from acidic foods and drinks such as :
·         Citrus fruits such as limes and oranges
·         Lemonade
·         Beer
·         Soda
·         Coffee
·         Wine
·         Fruit juice (particularly cranberry, orange, and apple)

Eat remineralizing foods. Remineralization is the process in which minerals such as calcium and phosphorus start to rebuild in your enamel, helping restore the strength of your teeth. While remineralization cannot completely restore your enamel, it can help guard it against further decay and create an alkaline local environment. These foods also tend to encourage saliva production, which can help counteract the negative effects of acid. You can try eating :
·         Cheese
·         Milk
·         Meats
·         Nuts

Reduce your sugar consumption. Bacteria in your mouth feeds on sugar, which can cause cavities. By reducing your sugar intake, you can encourage the remineralization of your teeth, helping to strengthen your enamel. You can cut down on sugar by :
·         Replacing soda with water
·         Eating porridge or oatmeal instead of breakfast cereal
·         Eating fresh fruit instead of juice, smoothies, or fruit canned with syrup
·         Reading the nutritional labels on prepackaged food to see how much sugar there is per serving.

Increase your calcium intake. Calcium is one of the primary minerals found in tooth enamel. Occasionally, your body may take calcium from your teeth to supplement other areas of the body that need it. You can get calcium from :
·         Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt
·         Broccoli
·         Kale
·         Soy products
·         Sardines
·         Salmon
·         Supplements

Chew sugarless gum. Gum can help encourage the production of saliva in your mouth. Saliva neutralizes acid that can harm your teeth. Sugarless gum, particularly gum that contains xylitol, can be chewed between meals to help reduce decay. While normal gum can also produce saliva, the sugar may encourage bacteria growth, leading to cavities.

Brush and floss your teeth twice a day. You should brush your teeth once in the morning and once at night. Use a fluoride or desensitizing toothpaste and a brush with medium to soft bristles. You should floss your teeth at least once a day, especially before going to bed. Flossing will prevent the build-up of plaque, which can cause acid to stick to your teeth. Use a mouthwash rinse after flossing.

Avoid biting tough surfaces. Chewing hard substances can cause weakened teeth to chip or fracture. If your enamel is already weak, you will want to take extra care around hard items and foods. These can include :
·         Hard candies
·         Ice
·         Eating utensils
·         Sticky candy

 Quit smoking. Smoking can dry out your mouth. Without that saliva, your teeth are vulnerable to acid erosion caused by the constant bacteria living in your mouth. Quitting smoking can help your mouth begin to produce saliva again. It can also improve your breath and overall dental health.

Avoid grinding teeth. Tooth grinding can wear down the enamel. If you know that you grind your teeth while sleeping, you should ask your dentist for a mouth guard that will protect your teeth. Stress management and behavioral therapy may also help.

Brush your teeth after vomiting. The acid in vomit can have a severe impact on your teeth. If you are sick, you should remember to always brush your teeth after you have vomited. Rinse out with water or mouthwash to flush it all out.

For more details please Contact Us....... Sen's Dental Clinic & Braces Centre...... 9830464066 / 9163927966.


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